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Venus and Cupid by Lorenzo Lotto, 1520

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and values, goes retrograde from July 22nd - September 3rd for 40 days and 40 nights. If that length of time sounds familiar, it might be because it appears numerous times throughout the Bible (or perhaps because of the early 2000s rom-com starring Josh Hartnett). In both the movie and the Bible, 40 days and nights is time in which someone (Moses, Noah, Elijah, Josh, etc) was tested in order to receive illumination or absolution (or a date with Shannon Sossamon) following a period of trials and tests.

40 weeks is also the average length of time it takes to gestate a human life —as well as the period following birth, commonly referred to as “the first 40 days”, a necessary period of healing, rest and integration. 40 seems to denote a meaningful length of time in which one can endure a challenge, reflect on it, and come through it alchemized in some way.

Ancient Roman uterus talisman for childbirth

During the retrograde period, Venus descends to the Underworld to help us reignite lost connections, re-think creative projects, reconnect with forgotten pleasures, and recover shards of connection to our true selves which got lost in the forward-momentum of life’s usual pace. Since it’s happening in Leo, there will be overarching themes of re-evaluating our self-expression, creative urges, and our impulses for originality and individuality. Additionally, the people and activities which bring a sense of joy, pleasure, ease and connection may be up for review.

Medieval alchemical illustration of Leo and the Sun

During the retrograde, Venus will come as close in her orbit as she ever gets to the Earth. Symbolically, Venus’ proximity to us helps us to magnify our true desires and to examine them intimately. This period of review, re-examination, and re-evaluation of where we put our relational, libidinal and creative energy can help us to refine and clarify our desires, claim them, and emerge from this period with a deeper, heart-felt connection to that which we want to be in relationship with, to express, and to radiate.

Read on for your rising sign-based horoscopes (or if you use Placidus, you can look them up based on what house/s the retrograde will hit).

Aries Rising / 5th House Venus Rx

The Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1875

Venus will be retrograding through your 5th house of creativity, romance and fertility, representing that which we give life to either literally or metaphorically. The tug to re-examine what you want to create may feel especially strong, with an air of heaviness or seriousness as you review and reconsider what you’re putting your energy into. You may no longer feel satisfied by once brought a sense of pleasure and this period can help you refine what brings a deeper sense of joy. If you feel abandoned by your creative muses or your usual pathways to fun, allow a new current of inspiration to find you by digging through forgotten mediums and abandoned or unfinished projects. When this period ends, you can emerge with a renewed vitality and connection to your creative and life-giving energy.

Taurus Rising / 4th House Venus Rx

Snuffbox with decoration of Venus and Cupid, Jean Baptiste Carnay, 1766

Venus will be retrograding through your 4th house of home, family, foundations, and your past or lineage. During Venus’ sojourn through the roots of your chart, you may be prompted to review some aspect of your current or past home life. Whether you are considering literally moving house, redecorating, or are reconnecting with family, this period can be fruitful for aligning with a deeper set of values and principles in your home life. You could be uncovering some aspect of your family past or reconnecting to an aspect of your childhood which allowed you to feel creative, expressive, and playful. When this period ends, you can emerge with new ideas about what you need to feel authentically yourself at home.

Gemini Rising / 3rd House Venus Rx

18th c French decorative paper featuring Venus

With Venus retrograding through your 3rd house, you may be prompted to review your daily routines, communications with others, social activity, and the general amount of noise in your daily activities. Venus slowing down here can prompt you to reconsider what of your daily habits and patterns brings a true sense of joy, pleasure, and creative stimulation; and what feels less exciting or draining. If you’ve been working on translating an idea into a communicable form or media, you could be reviewing and re-working the way you want to get your message out in ways that are truly resonant with what you want to share, express or communicate. Allow this period to help you let go of, shift, and reconnect with your creative expression in unexpected ways.

Cancer Rising / 2nd House Venus Rx

Pendant with Venus and Cupid on a Dolphin, Alfred Andre, 1865

Venus will retrograde through your 2nd house of resources, prompting you to review the ways you earn money and the values that guide your income-generating activities. This period could also motivate you to review your possessions and assets to understand if they are offering you maximum pleasure and value. You could be reconsidering the ways that your self-expression or creativity impact the way/s that you earn money with a desire to calibrate a more clear expression of self. It may require a re-prioritization of resources or projects to allow you to see what work efforts are truly worth your time. If your sense of self-worth is deeply enmeshed with your income, this period of time could offer some opportunities to examine and disentangle these aspects of self.

Leo Rising / 1st House Venus Rx

The Planet Venus, German, mid-16th c

Venus will retrograde through your 1st house of self and identity, offering you some major opportunities to reflect on the way you channel your essence outwards through your style, presentation of self, and your persona. You may feel like your self-presentation is no longer resonant with who you feel you are now, and you want to channel your essence outwards with more specificity, performativity, play, and jouissance. There may also be opportunities to assess whether you feel supported to be your true self in the context of your close relationships, and to make adjustments if not. This retrograde can offer you opportunities to tweak your inner sense of identity as well as your outward appearance, and work to make changes so that they are in more alignment with each other.

Virgo Rising / 12th house Venus Rx

Venus and Psyche Pointing to the Underworld, 1530

Venus’ underworld journey happens in the part of your chart which corresponds neatly to your own underworld: the part of your psyche which is just beyond conscious awareness, the place where subconscious motivations, fears, and desires can bubble to the surface through dreams, intuitive insights, or nagging feelings. What Venus reveals during the retrograde can help you to reclaim something that’s been cast into the shadows — a part of your heart, your creativity, or your desire for self-expression which may slowly make itself known over this period of time. Stay open to receiving insights or clues in unexpected ways, which can help you reconnect to something vital that lives deep within. This period of time can offer you the opportunity to transform something that feels shadowy, fearful or unknown into a source of strength, creativity and pride.

Libra Rising / 11th House Venus Rx

Venus talisman with symbol of Libra, 16th-18th c

Venus’ retrograde tour through your 11th house of social and professional networks can instigate a period of review and adjustment in your social life, where you want to direct your social energy, and how that intersects with your larger hopes, aspirations and goals. With Leo on your 11th house, you may feel the need to connect with groups which allow you to feel a part of something larger, creative, and inspiring. The ways in which your friendships or alliances may feel disappointing or challenging can be highlighted during this time, prompting you to realign with those who you feel more connected to or who mirror your own creative energy.

Scorpio Rising / 10th House Venus Rx

Venus Triumphant by Fatima Ronquillo, 2017

Venus will be retrograding through your most public house of your vocation and career, prompting you to re-examine some aspect of the way that you show up in your professional role/s. With Leo on your 10th house, you’re driven to make your professional work a vehicle for self-expression, play and creativity, a place where you can channel your essence into your work. This retrograde might prompt you to reimagine how you express this part of yourself, initiating untold re-brands, launches and new offerings. How can what you “do” be more You — or at least, some version of you? Use this period to examine the ways that you can show up more confidently in your work and you can emerge from it with a renewed clarity on what values you want to embody and offer the world.

Sagittarius Rising / 9th House Venus Rx

Temple of Venus, manufactured by Meissen Manufactory, 1710

With Venus retrograding through your 9th house of higher values, you may find that this period draws you into an imaginative reverie on your ideals, beliefs and big-picture goals, with a desire to re-imagine how you embody them in the world. This can be an expansive time where you reformulate some aspect of what guides you creatively or ideologically, and a time where you can reconnect to some forgotten ideal, wish or idea that serves to inspire you and remind you of a buried but important truth. You might find that the prism through which you see the world expands, as you notice more facets to the jewel and observe the multitude of beautiful perspectives available to you. Through this process, you can formulate new paradigms of beauty, self-expression, and creativity.

Capricorn Rising / 8th House Venus Rx

Bath of Venus by Sir Edward Jones, 1890s

The shadows that live in your 8th house of sex, death and money are ripe for examination during the Venus retrograde. During this time, you can uncover some buried psychic treasure through therapy, journaling, or other forms of self-exploration which reveal your own forgotten desires and needs within partnership. This time could also see you reviewing your financial agreements and shared financial responsibilities with others to renegotiate and find new ways of sharing the load. The way through this retrograde is to go within and to look at what you share with others (emotionally, sexually, or financially) and to examine the ways that these agreements can be made more equitable, expansive or creative.

Aquarius Rising / 7th House Venus Rx

Venus and Mars engraved gem, ancient Greece

Venus will retrograde through your 7th house of committed relationships, prompting you to recover forgotten pleasures, people, or desires within partnership. If you’re in a committed romantic or business partnership, you may be reviewing the relational needs, wants, and agreements (spoken or otherwise) between you, with the intention of setting new patterns in your relationship. If feelings of boredom or disenchantment start to percolate, allow them to be the bread crumbs that lead you towards greater connection and pleasure. If you’re not attached, you could be revisiting connections from the past, though you could also just be reviewing the ways you want to show up in partnership in ways that feel more embodied, more true to who you are now.

Pisces Rising / 6th House Venus Rx

Anatomical Venus, Fontana Workshop, 1780

Venus will be retrograding through your 6th house of daily routines, health, and employment, prompting you to examine the structure and contents of your daily life. If your routines start to feel dull or limiting, you may be prompted to discover new pathways to pleasure, new ways of seeking employment or new health regimens that feel more expansive. Allow any feelings of boredom or limitation to guide you towards what feels more exciting, expansive and inspiring. If your days feel weighed down by boredom and drudgery, Venus’ retrograde tour wants to show you the way out and back towards a feeling of aliveness in your body and in your days.

New Moon in Taurus at 28 degrees on May 19 2023 at 8:52 AM PST

May 19th brings a New Moon in Taurus with Jupiter co-present, offering an opportunity to plant seeds of intention around what we desire to cultivate in the Taurus part of our charts over the next year. Because Jupiter is associated with expansion, opportunity, and abundance, the Greater Benefic (as it was known to the ancients) will be sprinkling fertilizer over this part of our chart over the course of its yearlong stay in Taurus, bringing opportunities for growth and plenitude.

This New Moon can also offer a point of reflection to the Scorpio Eclipse on May 5th, which may have coincided with a major purge, revelation, illumination, or culmination. Because these two signs are opposite each other, they’re connected by a mutual concern with the resources we own and share with others, as well as with processes of birth, death, and rebirth. Reflecting on whatever was released, illuminated, catharted or healed around the May 5th Eclipse may shed light on what you now have space to cultivate anew.

Taurus and Scorpio both relate to the idea of surrender, but from different vantage points: Scorpio invites surrender through release (by shedding layers of ego so that a more authentic self can emerge) while Taurus invites surrender through trust (by trusting that goodness will come to you when you surrender control over how and when it will happen). Taurus reminds us that a seed doesn’t bloom overnight: your unfolding is happening in its perfect and natural timing.

Taurus is about slow and purposeful growth, an insistence on pleasure as a birth right, and the desire to build systems that support our ability to actually enjoy life’s delights at a reasonable, not hurried pace. This New Moon represents the beginning of all of the underground work that eventually culminates in a gorgeous bloom.

Aries Rising (or Jupiter in the 2nd house)

The Taurus New Moon on May 19th highlights your 2nd house of income, skills, and values. This part of your chart describes the resources you earn, have, and can cultivate in order to support your life, and Jupiter here will invite in opportunities to expand your income or help you to develop new skills which can lead to a greater return down the line. Psychologically this can feel like an expansion of self-worth and a growing confidence in your ability to generate the abundance you desire. The May 5th Scorpio Eclipse may have prompted a release or brought forth an important insight around your shared entanglements with another (either with the context of a romantic or business partnership). Whatever agreement you renegotiated or ended can create the space for a new influx of material support, gifts and opportunities over the next year.

Taurus Rising (or Jupiter in the 1st house)

The Taurus New Moon on May 19th offers you an opportunity to welcome in expansive opportunities and blessings that bolster your sense of self. With Jupiter here, you are learning to embody a bigger version of yourself, one that wants to take up more space and share your talents and vision generously with others. You can tap into a grounded sense of self-confidence during this transit that feels like a deep knowing that you can achieve your highest ideals and visions. Make the most of these opportunities for your personal expansion and those which allow you to inhabit your true self more brightly, more fully. The Scorpio eclipse on May 5th may have coincided with a major shift or culmination in your closest partnership, which simultaneously supports your evolving and expanding sense of self.

Gemini Rising (or Jupiter in the 12th house)

The Taurus New Moon on May 19th invites you to reflect on the ways that you seek meaning and purpose from deep within, and to create pathways of connection to the furthest corners of your innermost self. Jupiter in your 12th house over the next year can also bring a positive expansion to any behind-the-scenes work you’re undertaking, aligning you with the support and connections that help you to do preparatory work for a larger project. Jupiter helps you to deepen what gives your daily life a sense of meaning, whether that’s your friendships, your work, or your spiritual practices. The Scorpio eclipse on May 5th may have seen you releasing an old way of working or old daily habits and routines, and with this new beginning in Taurus, you can do meaningful preparatory work for the expansion that’s to come.

Cancer Rising (Or Jupiter in the 11th house)

The Taurus New Moon on May 19th brings an opportunity to expand your connections to your wider social networks, your friends, and those who share your ideals or aspirations. Your professional and personal networks could feel especially supportive, and you could find yourself making new connections that help you branch out into the world in new ways. Friendships which help you further your own dreams or aspirations can materialize with ease, and you can cultivate these connections over the coming year while Jupiter’s in Taurus. The Scorpio eclipse on May 5th may have coincided with a shift in your creative work, with a project finally coming to completion or the letting go of one path in favor of another. With this shift in focus on what you’re creating, you can now forge meaningful connections which support your goals and dreams.

Leo Rising (Or Jupiter in the 10th house)

With the Taurus New Moon on May 19th, your career, vocation, or public facing work is highlighted as the area of expansion to focus on. Jupiter here over the coming year brings the possibility of greater recognition, opportunities for growth and expansion, and achievement in the realm of your work. You can use this New Moon to plant seeds of intention around how you’d like to grow in your field, and to call in the blessings and opportunities that will support your development. The Scorpio eclipse on May 5th may have shaken up or illuminated an important issue at home, prompting a release or a shift around how you show up within the family unit. This New Moon can be an impetus to define yourself anew within (and in distinction to) the context of your foundations and family.

Virgo Rising (Or Jupiter in the 9th house)

The Taurus New Moon on May 19th invites you to consider how you’d like to expand your world and over the coming year. Jupiter in Taurus can offer you opportunities for learning, traveling, teaching, publishing, sharing your work with the world, and generally widening your frame of understanding of what it means to be alive on this planet. New and enlivening people, places, artworks, and ideas can penetrate your mind and contribute to the richness of your worldview. The Scorpio eclipse on May 5th may have seen you releasing or shifting some aspect of your daily life or routine, or the way you communicate and share your ideas with others. Whatever was illuminated during this time could set the stage for the expansion happening in your 9th house of exploration.

Libra Rising (Or Jupiter in the 8th house)

The New Moon on May 19th invites you to reflect on the ways that you desire to grow your collaborations and the investments (emotionally and financially) that you have with the partners in your life (romantic, platonic or business). With Jupiter here over the next year, you can benefit from the resources, patronage, and blessings of those who desire to support your growth. Things like a mortgage, an educational grant, inheritances, gifts, or joint ventures may be available to you over the next year. The Scorpio eclipse on May 5th happened in your 2nd house of income, which may have coincided with a shift in how you want to earn your living or in the way that you desire to work. With Jupiter in Taurus, you can focus on cultivating the meaningful partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures that will uplift your new trajectory.

Scorpio Rising (Or Jupiter in the 7th house)

The New Moon in Taurus on May 19th invites you to reflect on the ways that you can invite in opportunities for growth and expansion through your committed partnerships (romantic, platonic, or business). You may receive blessings and good fortune by virtue of your partner, or they may come as a result of a joint venture undertaken together. Your clients, business partnerships, or romantic partnerships can all be a conduit for your personal expansion, and you can invest in your growth by cultivating the close connections in your life. The May 5th eclipse may have coincided with a shift in how you conceive of yourself as an individual, with some aspect of your inner or outer identity going through a major process of change. You can lean into this shift by committing more deeply to the relationships which reflect and support your evolving identity.

Sagittarius Rising (Or Jupiter in the 6th house)

The New Moon in Taurus on May 19th invites you to reflect on ways that you can build in more ease and pleasure to your daily routines, work life, and the activities that support your physical health and wellness. With Jupiter here over the next year, you can create routines that honor your needs as a physical being who craves beauty, rest and pleasure; allowing for a feeling of integration and connection between your “work” and your “life.” With the May 5th eclipse occurring in your 12th house of your subconscious mind, you may have recently confronted revelations from the deepest layers of your psyche. Committing to the activities which connect you to the natural joy of being inside a body can be a grounding and supportive antidote to the deeper shadow work undertaken over the Eclipse.

Capricorn Rising (Or Jupiter in the 5th house)

The New Moon on May 19th invites you to seriously consider what will bring you maximum joy, pleasure, and expansion over the next year. What you pour your creative or libidinal energy into can bear fruit as an expression of your soul made manifest — whether that’s a magnum opus, the cultivation of an actual and unapologetic hobby, or the creation of a new human being, you have Big Fecundity Energy and you are the conduit for its materialization. The May 5th eclipse may have brought a shift in the ways you relate to your social world, friend groups or professional networks. Perhaps you’re reconsidering the ways that you want to relate to the larger world, and now you can focus on re-envisioning what form your creative energy will take.

Aquarius Rising (Or Jupiter in the 4th house)

The New Moon on May 19th highlights the ways that your family unit, foundations and home life may be shifting to accommodate new growth and expansion. The blessings and opportunities that Jupiter can offer over the next year can come through your family or in the form of an expansion of home, whether that’s because you’re literally moving house or perhaps because your family is growing to include new members. You can use this energy to envision what the most expansive version of home feels and looks like to you, and start taking steps towards making this a reality. The May 5th eclipse may have coincided with a shift in your professional life, perhaps bringing with it a release of certain responsibilities or obligations at work, which now allows you to pour more energy into cultivating abundant and expansive foundations.

Pisces Rising (Or Jupiter in the 3rd house)

The New Moon in Taurus on May 19th invites you to expand your outlook on life and the ways that you relate to others through your communications and daily interactions. You’re being urged to adopt a more expansive and abundant mindset, and can cultivate new skills which expand your capacity for self-expression. Jupiter here over the next year asks what you’d like to learn and how you can expand your ability to communicate your ideas and thoughts. Your consciousness can widen because of the new ideas, skills or routines you begin to incorporate into your daily life. You can expand beyond any limiting thoughts, beliefs or self-doubts which have become calcified in your mind. This influx of abundant energy can come as a welcome shift after the Scorpio eclipse on May 5th, which may have highlighted the ways in which you feel stuck, prompting you to release or clarify an aspect of the larger goals you’re working towards.

Horoscopes for Venus, Neptune and Saturn in Pisces

These horoscopes are written for mid-February to early March of 2023, and are focused on key moments within this timeframe because they crystallize clues for what’s to come in the Pisces part of your chart over the next three years. Venus and Neptune will conjure a dream, vision or ideal that Saturn will help bring to life over the next few years.

Venus-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces February 15th

Venus and Neptune will form a conjunction in Pisces on February 15th, which infuses the week with soft, romantic, inspired, artful and otherworldly energies. When Venus meets with Neptune in the sky, the Venusian pleasure principle and desire for beauty, relationships, and romance gets pushed into overdrive, as Neptune demands more connection, more transcendence, and more fantasy, please. These planets together in Pisces pull at our imaginal and artistic heart strings, and show us a keyhole through the door of material reality which looks out onto the transcendent realms beyond. If the gap between fantasy and reality feels more glaring now, and is accompanied by an aftertaste of melancholy, remember that you are in the process of glimpsing the contours of something that is seeking form in your life.

Saturn enters Pisces March 7th

The Venus-Neptune conjunction represents a wave of desire that fades as quickly as it peaks, but what it leaves in its wake will be the inspiration for what Saturn will help us build into reality when it enters Pisces on March 7th. Saturn will ask what we’re willing to sacrifice in order to concretize our vision, what structures need to be in place to support us, and how hard we’re willing to work towards an ideal. It will start to inspect the foundations of the Pisces part of our charts, and perhaps pour some rain on it to make sure there’s no leaks. We’ll learn to be adaptable and resilient in new ways, and to put new structures in place that can help us to weather the storms and bring inspired ideals to life.

Key Dates

February 15th - Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces

March 7th 2023 - May 24 2025 - Saturn in Pisces

September 1 2025 - February 13 2026 - Saturn in Pisces

Aries Rising

The Venus-Neptune conjunction on February 15th happens in your 12th house, which the 2nd century philosopher Ptolemy described as a place where “stars are obscured by thick, misty exhalations from the moistures of the earth.” That’s to say that what happens here is not easily seen, understood or grasped by the conscious mind. Because of the Venus-Neptune extreme pleasure principle, the desire to merge with another now may be working against your best interests, if you have duties to attend to in the world of practical concerns. Alternatively, this aspect could highlight a desire to find healing pleasure in solitude, to become deeply immersed in a creative process, or to explore spiritual practices.

When Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, it will begin a roughly three year tour of your 12th house, which can be a productive time of behind the scenes work. Saturn will act as a lantern to help you peer into the deepest recesses of your mind, a companion in the places of solitude that can help you perceive what is normally difficult to see. It could help to guide you towards practices or systems to support your mental health, and put you in touch with the workings of your subconscious mind. This is an important time of preparation, and what you discover and recover during this transit will lay the foundation for the close of a 30 year cycle and the beginning of a new one when Saturn enters your 1st house in May of 2025.

Taurus Rising

The Venus-Neptune conjunction on February 15th happens in your 11th house of friends, alliances, and networks. If you create and share things with the world, this house also represents whoever constitutes your audience, broadly speaking. You could find that what inspires the deepest feelings of connection and inspiration this week are the friendships in your life, the groups you belong to and the people who support and uplift you. This week could bring a blessing from a friend or colleague in the form of an inspiring meeting, praise, favorable attention or an offer which allows you to create more art, beauty and value in the world.

When Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, his intense spotlight lands in your 11th house, representing a period of focused dissemination of the work you’ve been doing over the past several years. These next three years represent a period of time where you can make meaningful contacts that help to further your work in the world, afford you greater visibility, and help you separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the connections in your life. Saturn here may reveal stark truths about illusions connected to certain people, but it can also help to crystallize a potent circle of friends and alliances who are working alongside you to bring your goals to life.

Gemini Rising

On February 15th, Venus and Neptune meet in your 10th house of your career and profession, which imparts a strong dose of magnetism, charm and imaginative flair to any professional or public facing project you’re currently working on. This is not a moment for practical planning, checking items off your to-do list, or working a spreadsheet — the fates are whispering in your ear, egging you on to dream bigger and to waltz with your muses in the moonlight. Let yourself envision those grand ideals, those that represent the height of your creative potential — this moment comes and goes as quickly as a wave, but it leaves a trace in the sand of some vision you’ll want to follow after it passes, so take note of what dreams bubble to the surface of your reveries.

When Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, you are entering a major period of culmination, maturation and realization around the ways you show up in the world, professionally or otherwise. However you’ve been crafting your public self over the past several years will come up for review during this period — Saturn in this part of your chart will challenge you to embody your dreams in a tangible, structured, and grounded ways. It will bring lessons around dedication, patience and sacrifice, but its reward will be that you feel a sense of pride and culmination around your professional and public-facing projects.

Cancer Rising

On February 15th, Venus and Neptune meet in your 9th house of higher ideals, allowing you to find inspiration in mind-expanding activities — reading, traveling, writing, or studying may offer intense pathways to creative visioning. This week, you can tap into what gives your life a larger sense of purpose and meaning, what makes you feel alive and inspired to explore this world. You may feel a deep sense of wanderlust right now, with a strong inclination to explore other places, cultures, thoughts, and beliefs. To answer the call of Venus-Neptune, tap into a larger framework of ideals which helps you to expand your thinking, gets you out of your intellectual or physical comfort zone, and as far outside your normal routine as you can go.

When Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7th, its demand for hard work will be felt in this area of your life. If you’re feeling called to go back to school, learn a new trade, or broaden your emotional/intellectual/spiritual horizons, this is a time where real gains can be made. Saturn here asks you to make a serious commitment to expanding your mind and broadening your world — whether by undertaking a course of study, traveling, studying, or teaching. Perhaps you are crystallizing your hard-earned insights into words, making them accessible to others through texts or classes or art. Saturn here is about committing to the hard work of learning, refining, and transmitting the underpinnings of your life’s work.

Leo Rising

On February 15th, Venus and Neptune will meet in your 8th house of shared resources, infusing the psychic, emotional or financial ties to another with a kind of blissful energy. When you come together with another with a spirit of vulnerability, curiosity and openness, the flow of give and take can feel balanced, sublimely effortless and deep. This transit may heighten your desire for intimacy, helping you to lower your defenses and feel more comfortable with vulnerability. If there have been issues with a partner or collaborator over shared finances, the negotiation of power dynamics or the obligations you have to each other, this week can act as a healing nectar of conciliatory charm.

When Saturn enters your 8th house on March 7th, it will bring a level of seriousness to your shared obligations, whether within a romantic relationship, a creative collaboration, or a business partnership. You may enter a period of reviewing the ways in which you handle your finances and putting new systems in place that can support you in practical ways. This transit will help you figure out how you negotiate power in relationships, what rules and boundaries you need to draw in order to protect your energy, as well as discovering what resources are available to you that will help to support you.

Virgo Rising

On February 15th, Venus and Neptune meet in your 7th house of one-on-one relationships, sparking your desires, fantasies and ideals within a romantic or business relationship. The house of love, marriage and business partnerships is the site of creative ideation, exploration and collaboration. The tendency to idealize a partnership could be strong here, but this is not necessarily bad, if it inspires you to perform (or receive) grand acts of romance or generosity. If you’re unattached romantically, this could be a potent time to tap into and visualize the qualities you desire in a partnership.

When Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, the inspector general of the cosmos comes to firm up, evaluate and stress test your commitments. This could represent a time of resolution around a relationship — either the strengthening of bonds through marriage, the deepening of a collaborative partnership, or the dissolution of a connection if it doesn’t appear to be able to stand the test of time. Saturn as the ruler of time wants to make sure that the commitments you make to another are those that help you to maximize your precious time on earth. Although Saturn’s presence may feel heavy at times, it can ultimately serve to strengthen your ties by teaching important lessons around compromise, commitment, presence and accountability to the important people in your life.

Libra Rising

Neptune has been meandering through your 6th house for many years, its presence at varying times potentially making you feel drained by the demands on your work, or focusing your attention on practices that support your physical health. When Venus conjoins Neptune on February 15th, there is a feeling of support, relief or assistance in your daily work and health routines. Whether you’re forming a supportive alliance in the workplace, or feeling your partner’s extra support and care, you are helped by the relationships that support your daily life.

When Saturn enters your 6th house on March 7th, you are asked to put the structures, routines and habits in place that can support the expansion of your life in sustainable ways. These new habits and practices could be around exercise, diet, or a more disciplined approach to your daily routine. Because it’s in the sign of Pisces, these routines should be flexible enough to support periods of rest, relaxation, dreaming, exploring, and going down rabbit holes of inspiration on a whim. Saturn here can help you discover the systems that help you make the most effective use of your time and energy, and those which support the ebbs and flows of your creativity and energy.

Scorpio Rising

When Venus and Neptune meet in your 5th house of pleasure, romance and creativity on February 15th, take time to visualize your most potent creative desires, and stay open to the inspiration that comes this week. Even if an idea seems out of reach or like a far off dream, it may be a clue about where your creative muse wants to take you, closer to the truth of what is seeking expression through you. This would be an ideal moment to truly soak up pleasure for pleasure’s sake, in whatever way feels most delightful for you. What do you want to give birth to, creatively or literally?

Whatever artistic or creative vision comes to you this week will be the raw material that Saturn will help you shape into reality when it enters Pisces on March 7th. This will begin a roughly three year period of time where Saturn will ask you to take your creative dreams seriously, and to put in the work to give them form in the world. You may find that your creative practice requires more time, discipline, dedication, and that new routines or habits are needed for rising to the challenge. In this process, you may confront the ways in which you’ve shrunk from the duty of bringing your creativity to life, but over the course of this transit, you can come to a hard-won feeling of pride in your creations and talents.

Sagittarius Rising

On February 15th, Venus and Neptune meet in your 4th house of home and family, inspiring you to find or create pleasure and beauty in the place you call home. You could be longing for a living space that reflects your aesthetic desires more clearly, or generally seeking to make your home feel more emotionally resonant, comforting, or beautiful. If there is a twinge of melancholy in this pursuit — if it conjures nostalgic ideals of home or childhood — let this week be a portal that shows you how to create an ideal sanctuary for yourself in new ways.

When Saturn enters your 4th house on March 7th, you’re entering a roughly three year period of time where you can focus on defining what home means to you, and where and how you want to put down roots. The footings that support your life are up for review and inspection, and this period of time can be profound for laying new foundations both psychologically and physically. Any work you to do reorganize, prune and streamline your home mirrors a process of re-working your inner foundations and helps you to release outworn attachments to the past.

Capricorn Rising

Venus and Neptune will meet in your 3rd house of communication, making it an opportune time to tap into inspiring words — those you write, read, or exchange with others. Perhaps you’re feeling inspired to learn something new, read poetry, write prose, or simply whisper sweet nothings into the ear of your beloved. You could find that a conversation which seemed challenging flows easily now, or that discussions with a friend or sibling inspire you to tap into a potent creative vision for something you want to bring to life.

When Saturn enters Pisces and your 3rd house on March 7th, it will begin to ask you how you can commit more seriously to your words, writing, ideas and communications of all kinds. Whether you’re starting a writing project, taking on a new area of study, or simply wanting to be more purposeful with your words, Saturn will help you to see what the necessary routines and supportive habits are to keep you on task. You could be working towards to disseminating your work through new channels, or getting your ideas out into the world in new ways. Saturn here can help you to discover the new routines and practical systems that can support you in your quest to produce and disseminate your ideas, communications and projects more effectively and purposefully.

Aquarius Rising

On February 15th, Venus and Neptune meet in your 2nd house of income and values, inspiring a new dream related to how you earn money or how you produce value through your talents and skills. This transit could illuminate a big vision or goal, so stay open to new ideas or inspirations over this week. Because Neptune is prone to create a bit of fog around financial matters, use this day to dream and ideate rather than commit to a plan of action. If what you long for feels frustratingly out of reach, remember to exercise patience, as Saturn is coming around the corner with the practical tools (and tests) that you will need to bring this dream to life.

When Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, the planet of responsibility and discipline can help you find the channels, systems and structures you need to bring this vision to life. This could represent a period of hard work and focused dedication. Saturn asks if your feeling of self-worth is commensurate with the abundance that you desire, and if not, it will show you your growth edges to help bring them into alignment. During this period, you can draw on your inner strength to steadily work towards a goal that feels meaningful and rewarding, both financially and emotionally.

Pisces Rising

As a Pisces rising, you’re having a massive influx of energy in your 1st house of identity this month. When Venus and Neptune meet in your 1st house, you’ll feel inspired to imagine the most potent expression of your creative spirit and infuse your world with this imaginative and dreamy elixir. You may be feeling inspired to embody a new aspect of your identity which is in some way connected to beauty, art or the ideals you hold dear. Whatever healing balm or artistic vision that this planetary meeting inspires lays the foundation for the Saturnian work you’ll do over the next few years.

On March 7th, Saturn will enter your 1st house and start demanding that you take this dream seriously. This could involve assuming more personal responsibility in your life, business or relationships, and while this may feel burdensome at times, it is also reinforcing your evolving maturity and capacity to grow. Saturn’s presence here helps you to strip away any illusions or outdated ideas about who you are, and to help you grow into a more embodied, authentic version of yourself. These next few years represent the seed of a new cycle, and the plans and dreams you imagine now hold the DNA of what can come to bloom over the next 30 years.

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